(a) The danger zone. The waters of Chesapeake Bay and connecting waters within an area bounded as follows: Beginning at latitude 370812", longitude 761930", which is a point on the circumference of a circle of 10,000-foot radius with its center on Plumtree Point at latitude 370730", longitude 761736"; thence clockwise along the circumference of the circle to latitude 370906", longitude 761800"; thence southeasterly to latitude 370812", longitude 761748"; thence clockwise along the circumference of a circle of 4,000-foot radius (with its center at latitude 370730", longitude 761736") to latitude 370748", longitude 761824"; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations. (1) The danger zone will be in use not more than a total of 4 hours per month, which hours shall be during not more than any 2 days per month.
(1) The danger zone will be in use not more than a total of 4 hours per month, which hours shall be during not more than any 2 days per month.
(2) No person or vessel shall enter or remain in the danger zone during periods of firing or bombing or when the zone is otherwise in use.
(3) The Commander, Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base, Va., shall be responsible for publicizing in advance through the Coast Guard's ``Local Notice to Mariners,'' in the local press, and by radio from time to time the schedule of use of the area, and shall station patrol boats to warn vessels during periods of use.
(4) This section shall be enforced by the Commander, Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base, Va., or such agency as he may designate.
(c) Disestablishment of danger zone. The danger zone will be disestablished not later than December 31, 1967, unless written application for its continuance shall have been made to and approved by the Secretary of the Army prior to that date. [28 FR 1106, Feb. 5, 1963. Redesignated at 50 FR 42696, Oct. 22, 1985, as amended at 62 FR 17553, Apr. 10, 1997]