(a) The area. Beginning on the north shore of Albemarle Sound and the easternmost tip of Harvey Point; thence southeasterly to Day Beacon number 3; thence southeasterly to latitude 360306", longitude 761643"; thence southwesterly to latitude 360218", longitude 761930"; thence northwesterly to latitude 360418", longitude 762020"; thence 2315 True to the shore; and thence northeasterly along the shore to the point of beginning.
(b) The regulations. The restricted area described in this section is the inactive Harvey Point target range which was disestablished as a danger zone. The area will be open to public access for recreational and commercial uses, except that dredging, clamming, crabbing, seining, and anchoring of all vessels and any other activity which could result in disturbing or penetrating the bottom is prohibited.
(c) Enforcing agency. The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, and such agencies as he/she shall designate. [61 FR 7215, Feb. 27, 1996; 61 FR 26107, May 24, 1996]