(a) The danger zone. Shoreward of a line beginning at latitude 274927.38", longitude 822935.83"; thence to latitude 274920.14", longitude 822942.78"; thence to latitude 274844.82", longitude 823110.0"; thence to latitude 274909.35", longitude 823224.56"; thence to latitude 274938.62", longitude 823302.44"; and thence to a point on the shore line of MacDill Air Force Base at latitude 275028.57", longitude 823215.0". The area will be marked by suitable boundary signs or buoys.
(b) The regulations. (1) All persons, vessels and other watercraft are prohibited from entering the danger zone at all times.
(1) All persons, vessels and other watercraft are prohibited from entering the danger zone at all times.
(2) Advance notice will be given of the date on which the first firing practice shall begin. At intervals of not more than three months thereafter, notice will be sent out that firing practice is continuing. Such notices will appear in local newspapers and in ``Notice to Mariners.''
(3) The regulations in the section shall be enforced by the proper Air Force Authority at MacDill Air Force Base. [13 FR 9559, Dec. 31, 1948. Redesignated at 14 FR 4904, Aug. 9, 1949, and amended at 30 FR 884, Jan. 28, 1965. Redesignated at 50 FR 42696, Oct. 22, 1985, as amended at 62 FR 17554, Apr. 10, 1997]