(a) ``Notice to Mariners'' is intended to advise mariners of new hydrographic discoveries, changes in channels and navigational aids, and information concerning the safety of navigation. ``Notice to Mariners'' also contains information--
(1) Useful in updating the latest editions of charts and publications of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Ocean Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Coast Guard;
(2) Selected from the ``Local Notice to Mariners'' issued and published by the 1 \st\, 5 \th\, 7 \th\, 8 \th\, 9 \th\, 11 \th\, 13 \th\, 14 \th\, and 17 \th\ Coast Guard districts; and
(3) Compiled from foreign notices to mariners, ship reports, and similar cooperating observer reports.
(b) ``Notice to Mariners'' is published weekly by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The ``Notice to Mariners'' is prepared jointly by the:
(1) Coast Guard;
(2) National Ocean Service; and
(3) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
(c) This notice may be accessed through the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's Web site (http://msi.nga.mil/NGAPortal/MSI.portal); look for ``Notice to Mariners''. [CGD 97-023, 62 FR 33362, June 19, 1997, as amended by USCG-2001-9286, 66 FR 33640, June 25, 2001; USCG-2001-10714, 69 FR 24984, May 5, 2004; USCG-2009-0416, 74 FR 27438, June 10, 2009; USCG-2013-0397, 78 FR 39170, July 1, 2013] Sec. Sec. 72.01-15--72.01-20 [Reserved]