(a) A line drawn from St. Joseph Bay Entrance Range A Rear Light through St. Joseph Bay Entrance Range B Front Light to St. Joseph Point.
(b) A line drawn across the mouth of Salt Creek as an extension of the general trend of the shoreline to continue across the inlet to St. Andrews sound in the middle of Crooked Island.
(c) A line drawn from the northernmost extremity of Crooked Island 000[deg] T. to the mainland.
(d) A line drawn from the easternmost extremity of Shell Island 120[deg] true to the shoreline across the east entrance to St. Andrews Bay.
(e) A line drawn between the seaward end of the St. Andrews Bay Entrance Jetties.
(f) A line drawn between the seaward end of the Choctawatchee Bay Entrance Jetties.
(g) An east-west line drawn from Fort McRee Leading Light across the Pensacola Bay Entrance along latitude 30[deg]19.5[min] N.
(h) A line drawn between the seaward end of the Perdido Pass Jetties. [CGD 77-118a, 42 FR 35784, July 11, 1977. Redesignated by CGD 81-017, 46 FR 28154, May 26, 1981, as amended by CGD 84-091, 51 FR 7787, Mar. 6, 1986]