(a)(1) After an employer receives a garnishment order we issue, the employer must deduct from all disposable pay of the debtor during each pay period the amount directed in the garnishment order unless this section or Sec. 34.20 requires a smaller amount to be withheld.
(1) After an employer receives a garnishment order we issue, the employer must deduct from all disposable pay of the debtor during each pay period the amount directed in the garnishment order unless this section or Sec. 34.20 requires a smaller amount to be withheld.
(2) The amount specified in the garnishment order does not apply if other law, including this section, requires the employer to withhold a smaller amount.
(b) The employer must comply with our garnishment order by withholding the lesser of--
(1) The amount directed in the garnishment order; or--
(2) The amount specified in 15 U.S.C. 1673(a)(2) (Restriction on Garnishment); that is, the amount by which a debtor's disposable pay exceeds an amount equal to 30 times the minimum wage. (See 29 CFR 870.10.) (Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3720D)