(a) Responsibilities as a partner of the One-Stop service delivery system. As a required partner in the One-Stop service delivery system (which is part of the statewide workforce investment system under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998), the designated State unit must carry out the following functions consistent with the Act, this part, Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, and the regulations in 20 CFR part 662:
(1) Make available to participants through the One-Stop service delivery system the core services (as described in 20 CFR 662.240) that are applicable to the Program administered by the designated State unit under this part.
(2) Use a portion of funds made available to the Program administered by the designated State unit under this part, consistent with the Act and this part, to--
(i) Create and maintain the One-Stop service delivery system; and
(ii) Provide core services (as described in 20 CFR 662.240).
(3) Enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Local Workforce Investment Board under section 117 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 relating to the operation of the One-Stop service delivery system that meets the requirements of section 121(c) of the Workforce Investment Act and 20 CFR 662.300, including a description of services, how the cost of the identified services and operating costs of the system will be funded, and methods for referrals.
(4) Participate in the operation of the One-Stop service delivery system consistent with the terms of the MOU and the requirements of the Act and this part.
(5) Provide representation on the Local Workforce Investment Board under section 117 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
(b) Cooperative agreements with One-Stop partners. (1) The State plan must assure that the designated State unit or the designated State agency enters into cooperative agreements with the other entities that are partners under the One-Stop service delivery system under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and replicates those agreements at the local level between individual offices of the designated State unit and local entities carrying out the One-Stop service delivery system or other activities through the statewide workforce investment system.
(1) The State plan must assure that the designated State unit or the designated State agency enters into cooperative agreements with the other entities that are partners under the One-Stop service delivery system under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and replicates those agreements at the local level between individual offices of the designated State unit and local entities carrying out the One-Stop service delivery system or other activities through the statewide workforce investment system.
(2) Cooperative agreements developed under paragraph (b)(1) of this section may provide for--
(i) Intercomponent training and technical assistance regarding--
(A) The availability and benefits of, and information on eligibility standards for, vocational rehabilitation services; and
(B) The promotion of equal, effective and meaningful participation by individuals with disabilities in the One-Stop service delivery system and other workforce investment activities through the promotion of program accessibility consistent with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and section 504 of the Act, the use of nondiscriminatory policies and procedures, and the provision of reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services, and rehabilitation technology for individuals with disabilities;
(ii) The use of information and financial management systems that link all of the partners of the One-Stop service delivery system to one another and to other electronic networks, including nonvisual electronic networks, and that relate to subjects such as employment statistics, job vacancies, career planning, and workforce investment activities;
(iii) The use of customer service features such as common intake and referral procedures, customer databases, resource information, and human services hotlines;
(iv) The establishment of cooperative efforts with employers to facilitate job placement and carry out other activities that the designated State unit and the employers determine to be appropriate;
(v) The identification of staff roles, responsibilities, and available resources and specification of the financial responsibility of each partner of the One-Stop service delivery system with respect to providing and paying for necessary services, consistent with the requirements of the Act, this part, other Federal requirements, and State law; and
(vi) The specification of procedures for resolving disputes among partners of the One-Stop service delivery system. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1820-0500) (Authority: Section 101(a)(11)(A) of the Act; 29 U.S.C. 721(a)(11)(A); Sections 121 and 134 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998; 29 U.S.C. 2841 and 2864) [66 FR 4382, Jan. 17, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 7253, Jan. 22, 2001]