In addition to the Act, applicable Federal laws, and regulations, the following requirements apply to Vocational and Applied Technology Education Programs:
(a) A State that receives funds under the Act shall cooperate with the Secretary in supplying the information the Secretary requires, in the form the Secretary requires, and shall comply in its reports with the information system developed by the Secretary under section 421 of the Act.
(b) Nothing in the Act is to be construed to be inconsistent with applicable Federal laws guaranteeing civil rights, or is intended to, or has the effect of, limiting or diminishing any obligations imposed under the IDEA or section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794).
(c) Any State rule, regulation, or policy imposed on the administration or operation of programs funded under the Act, including any rule, regulation, or policy based on a State's interpretation of any Federal law, regulation, or guideline, must be identified as a State imposed requirement.
(d) Funds provided under the Act may not be used for the purpose of directly providing incentives or inducements to relocate a business or enterprise from one State to another State if the relocation would result in a reduction in the number of jobs available in the State where the business enterprise is located before the incentives or inducements are offered.
(e) A State may not take into consideration payments under the Act in determining for any educational agency or institution in that State the eligibility for State aid or the amount of State aid with respect to public education within the State. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0030) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2421, 2424, 2466c, 2468b, 2468c, and 2468e(a)(2))