(a) The State board shall make available to each private industry council established within the State under section 102 of the JTPA a current listing of all programs assisted under the Act.
(b)(1) The State board, in consultation with the State council on vocational education established under Sec. 403.17, shall establish a limited number of (but at least two) technical committees to advise the State council and the State board on the development of model curricula to address State labor market needs. The technical committees shall develop an inventory of skills that may be used by the State board to define state-of-the-art model curricula. This inventory must identify the type and level of knowledge and skills needed for entry, retention, and advancement in occupational areas taught in the State.
(1) The State board, in consultation with the State council on vocational education established under Sec. 403.17, shall establish a limited number of (but at least two) technical committees to advise the State council and the State board on the development of model curricula to address State labor market needs. The technical committees shall develop an inventory of skills that may be used by the State board to define state-of-the-art model curricula. This inventory must identify the type and level of knowledge and skills needed for entry, retention, and advancement in occupational areas taught in the State.
(2) The State board shall establish procedures that are consistent with the purposes of the Act for membership, operation, and duration of the technical committees. Their membership must be composed of representatives of--
(i) Employers from any relevant industry or occupation for which the committee is established;
(ii) Trade or professional organizations representing any relevant occupations; and
(iii) Organized labor, if appropriate.
(c) Except for the functions described in Sec. 403.11, the State board may delegate any of its other administrative, operational, or supervisory responsibilities, in whole or in part, to one or more appropriate State agencies.
(d) The State board shall carry out the responsibilities described in Sec. Sec. 403.13 through 403.18 and 403.200 through 403.208. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0030) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2321(a)(1), (f), (g))