(a) Each community-based organization and eligible recipient that desire to participate in this program shall jointly prepare and submit an application to the State board at the time and in the manner established by the State board.
(b) The State board also may establish requirements relating to the contents of the applications, except that each application must contain--
(1) An agreement among the community-based organization and the eligible recipients in the area to be served that includes the designation of one or more fiscal agents for the project;
(2) A description of how the funds will be used, together with evaluation criteria to be applied to the project;
(3) Assurances that the community-based organization will give special consideration to the needs of severely economically and educationally disadvantaged youth, ages sixteen through twenty-one, inclusive;
(4) Assurances that business concerns will be involved, as appropriate, in services and activities for which assistance is sought;
(5) A description of the efforts the community-based organization will make to collaborate with the eligible recipients participating in the joint project;
(6) A description of the manner in which the services and activities for which assistance is sought will serve to enhance the enrollment of severely economically and educationally disadvantaged youth into the vocational education programs; and
(7) Assurances that the projects conducted by the community-based organization will conform to the applicable standards of performance and measures of effectiveness required of vocational education programs in the State. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 1830-0030) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2351)
Consumer and Homemaking Education Programs