(a) The State shall conduct, in accordance with its State plan, and from its allotment for this program, consumer and homemaking education projects that may include--
(1) Instructional projects, services, and activities that prepare youth and adults for the occupation of homemaking;
(2) Instruction in the areas of--
(i) Food and nutrition;
(ii) Individual and family health;
(iii) Consumer education;
(iv) Family living and parenthood education;
(v) Child development and guidance;
(vi) Housing and home management, including resource management; and
(vii) Clothing and textiles.
(b) The State shall use the funds for this program for projects, services, and activities--
(1) For residents of economically depressed areas;
(2) That encourage the participation of traditionally underserved populations;
(3) That encourage, in cooperation with the individual appointed under Sec. 403.13(a), the elimination of sex bias and sex stereotyping;
(4) That improve, expand, and update Consumer and Homemaking Education Programs, especially those that specifically address needs described in paragraphs (b) (1), (2), and (3) of this section; and
(5) That address priorities and emerging concerns at the local, State, and national levels.
(c) The State may use the funds described in paragraph (a) of this section for--
(1) Program development and the improvement of instruction and curricula relating to--
(i) Managing individual and family resources;
(ii) Making consumer choices;
(iii) Balancing work and family;
(iv) Improving responses to individual and family crises (including family violence and child abuse);
(v) Strengthening parenting skills (especially among teenage parents);
(vi) Preventing teenage pregnancy;
(vii) Assisting the aged, individuals with disabilities, and members of at risk populations (including the homeless);
(viii) Improving individual, child, and family nutrition and wellness;
(ix) Conserving limited resources;
(x) Understanding the impact of new technology on life and work;
(xi) Applying consumer and homemaking education skills to jobs and careers; and
(xii) Other needs as determined by the State; and
(2) Support services and activities designed to ensure the quality and effectiveness of programs, including--
(i) The demonstration of innovative and exemplary projects;
(ii) Community outreach to underserved populations;
(iii) The application of academic skills (such as reading, writing, mathematics, and science) through consumer and homemaking education programs;
(iv) Curriculum development;
(v) Research;
(vi) Program evaluation;
(vii) The development of instructional materials;
(viii) Teacher education;
(ix) The upgrading of equipment;
(x) Teacher supervision;
(xi) State leadership, including the activities of student organizations; and
(xii) State administration, subject to Sec. 403.151(c). (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2361, 2362(a), (b))