If a State has been granted a waiver of the maintenance of effort requirement that allows it to receive a grant for a fiscal year, the Secretary determines whether the State has met that requirement for the grant to be awarded for the year after the year of the waiver by comparing the amount spent for vocational education from non-Federal sources in the first preceding fiscal year (or program year) with the amount spent in the third preceding fiscal year (or program year).
Example: Because exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances prevented a State from maintaining its level of fiscal effort in a program year 1989 (July 1, 1988-June 30, 1989) at the level of its fiscal effort in program year 1988 (July 1, 1987-June 30, 1988), the Secretary granted the State a waiver of the maintenance of effort requirement that permits the State to receive its fiscal year 1990 grant (a grant that is awarded on or after July 1, 1990 from funds appropriated in the fiscal year 1990 appropriation). To be eligible to receive its fiscal year 1991 grant (the grant to be awarded for the year after the year of the waiver), the State's expenditures from the first preceding program year (July 1, 1989-June 30, 1990) must equal or exceed its expenditures from the third preceding program year (July 1, 1987 to June 30, 1988). (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2463(c))