The Secretary provides a grant or cooperative agreement to a National Center or Centers that are designed to perform either one or both of the following activities:
(a) Applied research and development activities. (1) A major purpose of the National Center is to design and conduct research and development activities that are consistent with the purposes of the Act, including--
(1) A major purpose of the National Center is to design and conduct research and development activities that are consistent with the purposes of the Act, including--
(i) Longitudinal studies that extend over a period of years;
(ii) Supplementary and short-term activities; and
(iii) Upon negotiation with the center, and if funds are provided pursuant to section 404(d) of the Act, such other topics as the Secretary may designate.
(2) The National Center shall conduct applied research and development activities that include examination of the following:
(i) Economic changes that affect the skills that employers seek and entrepreneurs need.
(ii) Integration of academic and vocational education.
(iii) Efficient and effective practices for addressing the needs of special populations.
(iv) Efficient and effective methods for delivering vocational education.
(v) Articulation of school and college instruction with high quality work experience.
(vi) Recruitment, education, and enhancement of vocational teachers and other professionals in the field.
(vii) Accountability processes in vocational education, including identification and evaluation of the use of appropriate performance standards for student, program, and State-level outcomes.
(viii) Effective practices that educate students in all aspects of the industry the students are preparing to enter.
(ix) Effective methods for identifying and inculcating literacy and other communication skills essential for effective job preparation and job performance.
(x) Identification of strategic, high priority occupational skills and skills formation approaches needed to maintain the competitiveness of the United States workforce, sustain high-wage, high-technology jobs, and address national priorities such as technical jobs needed to protect and restore the environment.
(xi) Identification of practices and strategies that address entrepreneurial development for minority-owned enterprises.
(3) The applied research and development activities must include--
(i) An emphasis on the recruitment, education, and enhancement of minority and female vocational teachers and professionals; and
(ii) Activities that aid in the development of minorities and women for leadership roles in vocational education.
(b) Dissemination and training activities. (1) A major purpose of the National Center is to design and conduct dissemination and training activities that are consistent with the purposes of the Act, including--
(1) A major purpose of the National Center is to design and conduct dissemination and training activities that are consistent with the purposes of the Act, including--
(i) The broad dissemination of the results of the research and development conducted by the National Center;
(ii) The development and utilization of a national level dissemination network including functions such as clearinghouses, databases, and telecommunications;
(iii) Planning, developing, and conducting training activities; and
(iv) Upon negotiation with the Center and if funds are provided pursuant to section 404(d) of the Act, such other topics as the Secretary may designate.
(2) The National Center shall conduct dissemination and training activities that include the following:
(i) Teacher and administrator training and leadership development.
(ii) Technical assistance to ensure that programs serving special populations are effective in delivering well-integrated and appropriately articulated vocational and academic offerings for secondary, postsecondary, and adult students.
(iii) Needs assessment, design, and implementation of new and revised programs with related curriculum materials to facilitate vocational-academic integration.
(iv) Evaluation and follow-through to maintain and extend quality programs.
(v) Assistance in technology transfer and articulation of program offerings from advanced technology centers to minority enterprises.
(vi) Assistance to programs and States on the use of accountability indicators, including appropriate and innovative performance standards.
(vii) Delivery of information and services using advanced technology, if appropriate, to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer.
(viii) Development of processes for synthesis of research, in cooperation with a broad array of users, including vocational and non-vocational educators, employers and labor organizations.
(ix) Dissemination of exemplary curriculum and instructional materials, and development and publication of curriculum materials (in conjunction with vocational and nonvocational constituency groups, if appropriate).
(x) Technical assistance in recruiting, hiring, and advancing minorities in vocational education.
(3) The training and leadership development activities must include an emphasis on--
(i) Training minority and female teachers; and
(ii) Programs and activities that aid in the development of minorities and women for leadership roles in vocational education.
(4) Advanced technology may include audio-video cassettes, electronic networking, satellite-assisted programming, computer-based conferencing, and interactive video. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 2404 (b) and (c); House Report No. 101-660, 101st Cong. 2nd Sess. p. 143 (1990))