In reviewing pre-applications that propose to undertake teacher recruitment activities, the Secretary also considers the following selection criteria:
(a) In addition to the elements contained in Sec. 611.21(a) (Project goals and objectives), the Secretary considers the extent to which--
(1) The partnership's vision responds to LEA needs for a diverse and high quality teaching force, and will lead to reduced teacher shortages in these high-need LEAs; and
(2) The partnership will sustain its work after federal funding has ended by recruiting, providing scholarship assistance, training and supporting additional cohorts of new teachers.
(b) In addition to the elements contained in Sec. 611.21(c) (Quality and comprehensiveness of key project components), the Secretary considers the extent to which the project will--
(1) Significantly improve recruitment of new students, including those from disadvantaged and other underrepresented backgrounds; and
(2) Provide scholarship assistance and adequate training to preservice students, as well as induction support for those who become teachers after graduating from the teacher preparation program.
(c) In addition to the elements contained in Sec. 611.21(d) (Specific project outcomes), the Secretary considers the extent to which the project addresses the number of new teachers to be produced and their ability to teach effectively in high-need schools. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1840-0007) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1021 et seq.)