Allowable project costs may include the following costs reasonably related to carrying out a Training Program project:
(a) Rental of space, if space is not available at a sponsoring institution and if the space is not owned by a sponsoring institution.
(b) Printing.
(c) Postage.
(d) Purchase or rental of equipment.
(e) Consumable supplies.
(f) Transportation costs for participants and training staff.
(g) Lodging and subsistence costs for participants and training staff.
(h) Transportation costs, lodging and subsistence costs and fees for consultants, if any.
(i) Honorariums for speakers who are not members of the staff or consultants to the project.
(j) Other costs that are specifically approved in advance and in writing by the Secretary. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070a-11 and 1070a-17) [47 FR 17788, Apr. 23, 1982. Redesignated and amended at 75 FR 65774, Oct. 26, 2010]