In addition to the services that must be provided under Sec. 645.11, a Veterans Upward Bound project must--
(a) Provide intensive basic skills development in those academic subjects required for successful completion of a high school equivalency program and for admission to postsecondary education programs;
(b) Provide short-term remedial or refresher courses for veterans who are high school graduates but who have delayed pursuing postsecondary education. If the grantee is an institution of higher education, these courses shall not duplicate courses otherwise available to veterans at the institution;
(c) Assist veterans in securing support services from other locally available resources such as the Veterans Administration, State veterans agencies, veterans associations, and other State and local agencies that serve veterans; and
(d) Provide special services, including mathematics and science preparation, to enable veterans to make the transition to postsecondary education. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070a-11 and 1070a-13) [60 FR 4748, Jan. 24, 1995. Redesignated and amended at 75 FR 65785, 65786, Oct. 26, 2010]