In addition to the criteria referred to in Sec. 658.31, the Secretary evaluates an application submitted by an organization or association on the basis of the criterion in this section.
(a) Need for and potential impact of the proposed project in improving international studies and the study of modern foreign language at the undergraduate level.
(b) The Secretary reviews each application for information that shows the need for and the potential impact of the applicant's proposed projects in improving international studies and the study of modern foreign language at the undergraduate level.
(1) The Secretary looks for information that shows--
(i) The extent to which the applicant's proposed apportionment of Federal funds among the various budget categories for the proposed project will contribute to achieving results;
(ii) The international nature and contemporary relevance of the proposed project;
(iii) The extent to which the proposed project will make an especially significant contribution to the improvement of the teaching of international studies or modern foreign languages at the undergraduate level; and
(iv) The adequacy of the applicant's provisions for sharing the materials and results of the proposed project with the higher education community.
(2) [Reserved] (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1124(b)) [47 FR 14122, Apr. 1, 1982, as amended at 70 FR 13375, Mar. 21, 2005]