The activities that the Secretary may assist institutions of higher education to conduct under this program, include but are not limited to--
(a) Innovation and improvement of international education curricula to serve the needs of the business community, including the development of new programs for nontraditional, mid-career, or part-time students;
(b) Development of programs to inform the public of increasing international economic interdependence and the role of American business within the international economic system;
(c) Internationalization of curricula at junior and community colleges, and at undergraduate and graduate schools of business;
(d) Development of area studies programs and interdisciplinary international programs;
(e) Establishment of export education programs through cooperative arrangements with regional and world trade centers and councils, and with bilateral and multilateral trade associations;
(f) Research for and development of teaching materials relating to international education, including language materials, and facilities appropriate to business-oriented students;
(g) Establishment of student and faculty fellowships and internships for training and education in international business activities;
(h) Development of opportunities for business and other professional school junior faculty to acquire or strengthen international skills and perspectives;
(i) Development of research programs on issues of common interest to institutions of higher education and private sector organizations and associations engaged in or promoting international economic activity;
(j) The establishment of internships overseas to enable foreign language students to develop their foreign language skills and their knowledge of foreign cultures and societies;
(k) Establishing linkages overseas with institutions of higher education and organizations that contribute to the educational objectives of this program; and
(l) Summer institutes in international business, foreign area, and other international studies designed to carry out the purposes of this program. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1130-1130b) [49 FR 24362, June 12, 1984, as amended at 52 FR 28426, July 29, 1987; 58 FR 32577, June 10, 1993]