(a) Eligibility. (1) You may appeal a notice of a loss of eligibility under Sec. 668.187(a)(1), based on one cohort default rate over 40 percent, if that cohort default rate is calculated as an average rate under Sec. 668.183(d)(2).
(1) You may appeal a notice of a loss of eligibility under Sec. 668.187(a)(1), based on one cohort default rate over 40 percent, if that cohort default rate is calculated as an average rate under Sec. 668.183(d)(2).
(2) You may appeal a notice of a loss of eligibility under Sec. 668.187(a)(2), based on three cohort default rates of 25 percent or greater, if at least two of those cohort default rates--
(i) Are calculated as average rates under Sec. 668.183(d)(2); and
(ii) Would be less than 25 percent if calculated for the fiscal year alone using the method described in Sec. 668.183(d)(1).
(b) Deadline for submitting an appeal. (1) Before notifying you of your official cohort default rate, we make an initial determination about whether you qualify for an average rates appeal. If we determine that you qualify, we notify you of that determination at the same time that we notify you of your official cohort default rate.
(1) Before notifying you of your official cohort default rate, we make an initial determination about whether you qualify for an average rates appeal. If we determine that you qualify, we notify you of that determination at the same time that we notify you of your official cohort default rate.
(2) If you disagree with our initial determination, you must send us your average rates appeal, including all supporting documentation, within 30 days after you receive the notice of your loss of eligibility.
(c) Determination. You do not lose eligibility under Sec. 668.187 if we determine that you meet the requirements for an average rates appeal. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1845-0022) (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1082, 1085, 1094, 1099c) [65 FR 65638, Nov. 1, 2000, as amended at 74 FR 55651, Oct. 28, 2009]