(a) In accordance with procedures established by the Secretary, an institution must report--
(1) For each student enrolled in a GE program during an award year who received title IV, HEA program funds for enrolling in that program--
(i) Information needed to identify the student and the institution;
(ii) The name, CIP code, credential level, and length of the program;
(iii) Whether the program is a medical or dental program whose students are required to complete an internship or residency, as described in Sec. 668.402;
(iv) The date the student initially enrolled in the program;
(v) The student's attendance dates and attendance status (e.g., enrolled, withdrawn, or completed) in the program during the award year; and
(vi) The student's enrollment status (e.g., full-time, three-quarter time, half-time, less than half-time) as of the first day of the student's enrollment in the program;
(2) If the student completed or withdrew from the GE program during the award year--
(i) The date the student completed or withdrew from the program;
(ii) The total amount the student received from private education loans, as described in Sec. 668.404(d)(1)(ii), for enrollment in the program that the institution is, or should reasonably be, aware of;
(iii) The total amount of institutional debt, as described in Sec. 668.404(d)(1)(iii), the student owes any party after completing or withdrawing from the program;
(iv) The total amount of tuition and fees assessed the student for the student's entire enrollment in the program; and
(v) The total amount of the allowances for books, supplies, and equipment included in the student's title IV Cost of Attendance (COA) for each award year in which the student was enrolled in the program, or a higher amount if assessed the student by the institution;
(3) If the institution is required by its accrediting agency or State to calculate a placement rate for either the institution or the program, or both, the placement rate for the program, calculated using the methodology required by that accrediting agency or State, and the name of that accrediting agency or State; and
(4) As described in a notice published by the Secretary in the Federal Register, any other information the Secretary requires the institution to report.
(b)(1) An institution must report the information required under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section no later than--
(1) An institution must report the information required under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section no later than--
(i) July 31, following the date these regulations take effect, for the second through seventh award years prior to that date;
(ii) For medical and dental programs that require an internship or residency, July 31, following the date these regulations take effect for the second through eighth award years prior to that date; and
(iii) For subsequent award years, October 1, following the end of the award year, unless the Secretary establishes different dates in a notice published in the Federal Register.
(2) An institution must report the information required under paragraph (a)(3) of this section on the date and in the manner prescribed by the Secretary in a notice published in the Federal Register.
(3) For any award year, if an institution fails to provide all or some of the information in paragraph (a) of this section to the extent required, the institution must provide to the Secretary an explanation, acceptable to the Secretary, of why the institution failed to comply with any of the reporting requirements. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1001, 1002, 1088, 1231a)