(a) After a grant is awarded, the Secretary may approve a Partnership grantee's written request for a waiver of up to--
(1) 50 percent of the matching requirement for up to two years if the grantee demonstrates that--
(i) The matching contributions described for those two years in the grantee's approved application are no longer available; and
(ii) The grantee has exhausted all funds and sources of potential contributions for replacing the matching funds.
(2) 75 percent of the matching requirement for up to two years if the grantee demonstrates that matching contributions from the original application are no longer available due to an uncontrollable event, such as a natural disaster, that has a devastating economic effect on members of the Partnership and the community in which the project would operate.
(b) In determining whether the grantee has exhausted all funds and sources of potential contributions for replacing matching funds, the Secretary considers the grantee's documentation of key factors such as the following and their direct impact on the grantee:
(1) A reduction of revenues from State government, County government, or the local educational agency (LEA).
(2) An increase in local unemployment rates.
(3) Significant reductions in the operating budgets of institutions of higher education that are participating in the grant.
(4) A reduction of business activity in the local area (e.g., large employers have left the local area).
(5) Other data that reflect a significant decrease in resources available to the grantee in the local geographical area served by the grantee.
(c) If a grantee has received one or more waivers under this section or under Sec. 694.8, the grantee may request an additional waiver of the matching requirement under this section no earlier than 60 days before the expiration of the grantee's existing waiver.
(d) The Secretary may grant an additional waiver request for up to 50 percent of the matching requirement for a period of up to two years beyond the expiration of any previous waiver. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1070a-23) [75 FR 65799, Oct. 26, 2010]