(a) The Secretary or an authorized Departmental official as appropriate may compromise a claim established under this subpart without following the procedures in 4 CFR part 103 if--
(1)(i) The amount of the claim does not exceed $200,000; or
(i) The amount of the claim does not exceed $200,000; or
(ii) The difference between the amount of the claim and the amount agreed to be returned does not exceed $200,000; and
(2) The Secretary or the official determines that--
(i) The collection of the amount by which the claim is reduced under the compromise would not be practical or in the public interest; and
(ii) The practice that resulted in the disallowance decision has been corrected and will not recur.
(b) Not less than 45 days before compromising a claim under this section, the Department publishes a notice in the Federal Register stating--
(1) The intention to compromise the claim; and
(2) That interested persons may comment on the proposed compromise. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3, 1234(f)(1), 1234a (j), and 3474(a)) [54 FR 19512, May 5, 1989. Redesignated at 58 FR 43473, Aug. 16, 1993]