(a) Agencies apply the disposition instructions of the GRS, as provided in the following table. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
When NARA issues a new or revised GRS,
(1) The new or revised GRS states that All agencies must follow the
the provisions must be followed disposition instructions of
without exception. the GRS, regardless of whether
or not they have existing
schedules.(2) Your agency does not have an Your agency must follow the
existing schedule for these records.. disposition instructions of
the GRS. If your agency's
needs require a different
retention period, then your
agency must submit an SF 115
in accordance with 36 CFR part
1225 of this subchapter, and a
justification for the
deviation.(3) When your agency has an existing Your agency may follow the
schedule and the new or revised GRS disposition instructions in
permits use of existing agency- either the GRS or the existing
specific schedules. agency schedule, but it must
follow the same instructions
throughout the agency and
instruct its staff to do so.
If your agency chooses to
follow its own schedule, then
it must notify NARA within 120
days of the issuance of the
new or revised GRS.(4) Your agency does not create or No action is required.
maintain any of the records addressed
by that GRS.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Except as provided in the table in paragraph (a), agencies must incorporate in their disposition manual or otherwise disseminate new and revised GRS within 6 months after NARA has issued the GRS Transmittal.
(c) NARA may, at its discretion, apply the provisions of the GRS to records in its legal custody, subject to the provisions of Sec. 1235.34 of this subchapter.