(a) Public access computers (workstations) are available for Internet use in all NARA research rooms. The number of workstations varies per location. We provide these workstations for research purposes on a first-come-first-served basis. When others are waiting to use the workstation, we may impose a 30-minute time limit on the use of the equipment.
(b) You should not expect privacy while using these workstations. These workstations are operated and maintained on a United States Government system, and activity may be monitored to protect the system from unauthorized use. By using this system, you expressly consent to such monitoring and the reporting of unauthorized use to the proper authorities.
(c) You may not use these workstations to gain access to entertainment or other inappropriate Web sites in our research rooms. You also may not use these workstations to conduct private business not related to your research or NARA holdings.
(d) NARA provides at least one Internet access workstation in each facility that complies with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, ensuring comparable accessibility to individuals with disabilities.
(e) You may download information to a diskette and print materials, but the research room staff will furnish the diskettes and paper. You may not use personally owned diskettes on NARA personal computers. You may not load files or any type of software on these workstations.
Rules Relating to Using Original Documents