(a) You may obtain general information about the location of records by visiting the NARA Web site at www.archives.gov; writing to the National Archives and Records Administration (NWCC2), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001; completing our Inquire form at http://www.archives.gov/global--pages/inquire--form.html; sending a fax request to (301) 837-0483; or calling (202) 501-5400, (301) 837-2000, or toll free (866) 272-6272.
(b) The locations of NARA's research rooms are shown in part 1253 of this chapter. Hours for research rooms are posted at http://www.archives.gov. Contact our facilities directly for information about their particular holdings. A facility or unit director may authorize that documents be made available at times other than the times specified.
(c) Before planning a visit, contact the facility holding materials of potential interest to determine whether the documents are available, whether there are enough documents to warrant a visit, or whether ordering copies would be more practical.
(d) In addition to the procedures in this part, researchers who wish to use archival materials that contain national security classified information must follow procedures in part 1256 of this chapter. [69 FR 39314, June 30, 2004, as amended at 75 FR 71547, Nov. 24, 2010]