(a) If the reinstatement of research privileges would pose a threat to the safety of persons, property, or NARA holdings, or if, in the case of a probationary identification card, you fail to comply with the rules of conduct for NARA facilities, we may extend the revocation of privileges for additional 180-day periods. We send you a written notice of an extension within 3 workdays of our decision to continue the revocation of research privileges.
(b) You have 30 calendar days after the decision to extend the revocation of research privileges to appeal the action in writing. Mail your appeal to the Deputy Archivist at the address given in Sec. 1254.50(a). The Deputy Archivist has 30 calendar days from receipt of your appeal to decide whether to reinstate your research privileges and to respond to you in writing. [69 FR 39314, June 30, 2004, as amended at 76 FR 6555, Feb. 7, 2011]