If the appropriate time has passed, as stated in Sec. 1256.98(a), USIA audiovisual records that either have copyright protection or contain copyrighted material may be copied as follows:
(a) USIA audiovisual records prepared for dissemination abroad that NARA determines may have copyright protection or may contain copyrighted material are made available for examination in NARA research facilities as described in the regulations in this title.
(b) Copies of USIA audiovisual records prepared for dissemination abroad that NARA determines may have copyright protection or may contain copyrighted material are provided to you if you seek the release of such materials in the United States once NARA has:
(1) Ensured, as described in paragraph (c) of this section, that you have secured and paid for necessary United States rights and licenses;
(2) Been provided with evidence from the Copyright Office demonstrating that copyright protection in the materials sought, or relevant portions in the materials, has lapsed or expired; or
(3) Received your signed certification in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section that you will use the materials sought only for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, including the fair use provisions of 17 U.S.C. 107. No copies of USIA audiovisual records will be provided until the fees authorized under part 1258 of this chapter have been paid.
(c) If NARA determines that a USIA audiovisual record prepared for dissemination abroad may have copyright protection or may contain copyrighted material, you may obtain copies of the material by submitting to NARA written evidence from all copyright and license owner(s) that any necessary fees have been paid or waived and any necessary licenses have been secured.
(d) If NARA has determined that a USIA audiovisual record prepared for dissemination abroad may have copyright protection or may contain copyrighted material, persons seeking the release of such material in the United States may obtain copies of the material by submitting to NARA the following certification statement:
I, (printed name of individual), certify that my use of the copyrighted portions of the (name or title and NARA identifier of work involved) provided to me by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), will be limited to private study, scholarship, or research purposes, or for other purposes permitted by the Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. I understand that I am solely responsible for the subsequent use of the copyrighted portions of the work identified above.
(e) In every instance where NARA provides a copy of an audiovisual record under this subpart, and NARA has determined that the work reproduced may have copyright protection or may contain copyrighted material, NARA must provide you with a warning notice of copyright.
(f) Nothing in this section limits NARA's ability to make copies of USIA audiovisual records for preservation, arrangement, repair and rehabilitation, description, exhibition, security, or reference purposes.