(a) This subchapter defines the responsibilities of NARA and other Federal agencies for declassification of classified national security information in the holdings of NARA. This part also describes NARA's procedures for:
(1) Operation of the National Declassification Center,
(2) Processing referrals to other agencies,
(3) Facilitating systematic reviews of NARA holdings, and
(4) Processing mandatory declassification review requests for NARA holdings.
(b) Regulations for researchers who wish to request access to materials containing classified national security information are found in 36 CFR part 1256.
(c) For the convenience of the user, the following table provides references between the sections contained in this part and the relevant sections of the Order and the Implementing Directive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Related section
CFR section Related section of of Implementing
E.O. 13526 Directive------------------------------------------------------------------------1260.20 Who is responsible for 3.3, 3.3(d)(3),
the declassification of 3.6
classified national security
Executive Branch information
that has been accessioned by
NARA?.1260.22 Who is responsible for 3.3(d)(3), 3.6
the declassification of
classified national security
White House originated
information in NARA's holdings?.1260.24 Who is responsible for 6.1(s)
declassification of foreign
government information in NARA's
holdings?.1260.28 Who is responsible for .................. 2001.24(i)
declassifying Restricted Data
(as defined by the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as amended),
Formerly Restricted Data (as
defined in 10 CFR 1045.3, and
Transclassified Foreign Nuclear
Information (as defined in 32
CFR 2001.24(i))?.1260.34 What are the 3.3, 3.3(d)(3),
responsibilities of the NDC?. 3.41260.36 What are agency 3.3(d)(3)
responsibilities with the NDC?.1260.40 What types of referrals 3.3
will the NDC process?.1260.42 How does the NDC process 3.3(d)(3)(B)
referrals of Federal Records?.1260.46 How does the Department 3.3
of Defense process referrals?.1260.50 How are records at NARA 3.3
reviewed as part of the
automatic declassification
process?.1260.52 What are the procedures 3.3 2001.30(p)
when agency personnel review
records in NARA's legal and
physical custody?.1260.56 What are NARA 3.3
considerations when implementing
automatic declassification?.1260.72 What procedures does NARA 3.6(a), 3.6(b) 2001.33
follow when it receives a
request for Executive Branch
records under MDR?.1260.74 What are agency 3.5(c)
responsibilities after receiving
an MDR request forwarded by
NARA?.1260.76 What are NARA's .................. Appendix A
procedures after it has received
the agency's declassification
determinations?.1260.78 What is the appeal 3.3 2001.30(p),
process when an MDR request for 2001.33
Executive Branch information in
NARA's legal custody is denied
in whole or in part?.1260.80 What actions must NARA .................. 2001.13
take when information in its
physical and legal custody is
reclassified after
declassification under proper
authority?.1260.82 What actions must NARA emsp; 2001.13
take with information in its
physical and legal custody that
has been made available to the
public after declassification
without proper authority?.------------------------------------------------------------------------