(a) The Forest Service will issue a national request for applications (RFA) for grants under the CFP. The RFA will be posted to http://www.grants.gov as well as other venues. The RFA will include the following information outlined in this final rule:
(1) The process for submitting an application;
(2) Application requirements (Sec. 230.4);
(3) Review process and criteria that will be used by the Forest Service (Sec. 230.5); and
(4) Other conditions determined appropriate by the Forest Service.
(b) Pursuant to the RFA, interested eligible entities will submit an application for program participation to:
(1) The State Forester or equivalent official, for applications by local governments and qualified nonprofit organizations, or
(2) The equivalent officials of the Indian tribe, for applications submitted by an Indian tribe.
(c) Interested eligible entities will also notify the Forest Service, pursuant to the RFA, when submitting an application to the State Forester or equivalent officials of the Indian tribe.
(d) The State Forester or equivalent official of the Indian tribe will forward all applications to the Forest Service, and, as time and resources allow:
(1) Provide a review of each application to help the Forest Service determine:
(i) That the applicant is an eligible entity;
(ii) That the land is eligible;
(iii) That the proposed project has not been submitted for funding consideration under the Forest Legacy Program; and
(iv) Whether the project contributes to a landscape conservation initiative.
(2) Describe what technical assistance provided through CFP they may render in support of implementing the proposed community forest project and an estimate of needed financial assistance (Sec. 230.10).
(e) A proposed application cannot be submitted for funding consideration simultaneously for both the CFP and the Forest Service's Forest Legacy Program (16 U.S.C. 2103c).