The terms used in this subpart shall have the following meanings:
(a) Secretary. The Secretary of the Interior.
(b) Director. The Director of the National Park Service or his designee.
(c) Operations. All functions, work and activities within a unit in connection with exploration for and development of oil and gas resources, the right to which is not owned by the United States, including: gathering basic information required to comply with this subpart, prospecting, exploration, surveying, preproduction development and production; gathering, onsite storage, transport or processing of petroleum products; surveillance, inspection, monitoring, or maintenance of equipment; reclamation of the surface disturbed by such activities; and all activities and uses reasonably incident thereto performed within a unit, including construction or use of roads, pipelines, or other means of access or transportation on, across, or through federally owned or controlled lands and waters, regardless of whether such activities and uses take place on Federal, State or private lands.
(d) Operator. A person conducting or proposing to conduct operations.
(e) Person. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or other entity.
(f) Superintendent. The Superintendent, or his designee, of the unit of the National Park System containing lands subject to the rights covered by these regulations.
(g) Commercial Vehicle. Any motorized equipment used in direct or indirect support of operations.
(h) Unit. Any National Park System area.
(i) Owner. The owner, or his legal representative, of the rights to oil and gas being exercised.
(j) Designated Roads. Those existing roads determined by the Superintendent in accordance with 36 CFR 1.5 and Sec. 4.19 to be open for the use of the general public or for the exclusive use of an operator.
(k) Oil. Any viscous combustible liquid hydrocarbon or solid hydrocarbon substance easily liquifiable on warming which occurs naturally in the earth, including drip gasoline or other natural condensates recovered from gas without resort to manufacturing process.
(l) Gas. Any fluid, either combustible or noncombustible, which is produced in a natural state from the earth and which maintains a gaseous or rarefied state at ordinary temperature and pressure conditions.
(m) Site. Those lands or waters on which operations are to be carried out.
(n) Contaminating substances. Those substances, including but not limited to, salt water or any other injurious or toxic chemical, waste oil or waste emulsified oil, basic sediment, mud with injurious or toxic additives, or injurious or toxic substances produced or used in the drilling, development, production, transportation, or on-site storage, refining, and processing of oil and gas.
(o) Statement for Management. A National Park Service planning document used to guide short- and long-term management of a unit; to determine the nature and extent of planning required to meet the unit's management objectives; and, in the absence of more specific planning documents, to provide a general framework for directing park operations and communicating park objectives to the public. [43 FR 57825, Dec. 8, 1978; 44 FR 37914, June 29, 1979, as amended at 60 FR 55791, Nov. 3, 1995; 62 FR 30234, June 3, 1997]