The following definitions shall apply to this part:
(a) Developer means a Person or team of Persons that has received preliminary approval for a development proposal or has been designated by the Corporation as Developer pursuant to a development competition.
(b) Development Area means the area described in section 2 (f) of Pub. L. 92-578, October 27, 1972, as amended (40 U.S.C. 871 (f)), and for which the Plan has been prepared and will be implemented by the Corporation.
(c) List means the List of Qualified Persons maintained by the Corporation as provided in Sec. 908.11(a) of this rule.
(d) Newly developed space means any leaseable part of a new building in the Development Area upon which construction was commenced after October 27, 1972 or an existing building in the Development Area which after October 27, 1972 underwent substantial remodeling, renovation, conversion, rebuilding, enlargement, extension or major structural improvement, but not including ordinary maintenance or remodeling or changes necessary to continue occupancy.
(e) Person means a partnership, company, corporation, or association as well as an individual or family, but does not include a department, agency, or instrumentality of any Federal, state, or local government.
(f) Previous location means the space from which the Eligible Person was or is being displaced as a result of the Corporation's or Developer's acquisition of real property, or as a result of receiving a written order to vacate from the Corporation.