The Copyright Office serves primarily as an office of public record. Section 705 of title 17, United States Code, requires the Copyright Office to open for public inspection all records of copyright deposits, registrations, recordations, and other actions taken under title 17. Therefore, a routine use of all Copyright Office systems of records created under section 705 of title 17 is disclosure to the public. All Copyright Office systems of records created under section 705 of title 17 are also available for public copying as required by section 706(a), with the exception of copyright deposits, whose reproduction is governed by section 706(b) and the regulations issued under that section. In addition to the records mandated by section 705 of title 17, the Copyright Office maintains other systems of records which are necessary for the Office effectively to carry out its mission. These systems of records are routinely consulted and otherwise used by Copyright Office employees in the performance of their duties. The Copyright Office will not sell, rent, or otherwise make publicly available any mailing list prepared by the Office. [47 FR 36821, Aug. 24, 1982]