(a) The Copyright Office will provide, free of charge, one copy to an individual of any record pertaining to that individual contained in a Copyright Office system of records, except where the request is for a copy of a record for which a specific fee is required and identified in Sec. 201.3 of this chapter, in which case that fee shall be charged. For additional copies of records not covered by section 708 the fee will be a minimum of $15.00 for up to 15 pages and $.50 per page over 15. The Office will require prepayment of fees estimated to exceed $25.00 and will remit any excess paid or bill an additional amount according to the differences between the final fee charged and the amount prepaid. When prepayment is required, a request is not deemed ``received'' until prepayment has been made.
(b) The Copyright Office may waive the fee requirement whenever it determines that such waiver would be in the public interest. [43 FR 776, Jan. 4, 1978, as amended at 47 FR 36821, Aug. 24, 1982; 56 FR 59886, Nov. 26, 1991; 63 FR 29139, May 28, 1998; 64 FR 29522, June 1, 1999]