(a) Authority to conduct; generally. Field personnel in the Veterans Service Center and other employees who are qualified and designated by the field facility Director are authorized, when assigned, to conduct investigations (field examinations) and examine witnesses upon any matter within the jurisdiction of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to take affidavits, to administer oaths and affirmations, to certify copies of public or private documents and to aid claimants in the preparation of claims.
(b) Scope of field examinations; fiduciary activities. Field examinations include but are not limited to the following:
(1) Matters involving the administration of estates and the welfare of beneficiaries of the Department of Veterans Affairs who are under legal disability or in need of supervision by the Veterans Service Center Manager.
(2) Matters involving the welfare and needs of dependents of incompetent beneficiaries.
(3) Recovery of amounts due the Government or General Post Fund under laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. [40 FR 54247, Nov. 21, 1975, as amended at 67 FR 46869, July 17, 2002]