Federal aid will be paid only for the care of veterans whose separate eligibility for hospital or domiciliary care has been approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs. To obtain such approval, State homes will complete a Department of Veterans Affairs application form for each veteran for the type of care to be provided and submit it to the Department of Veterans Affairs office of jurisdiction for determination of eligibility. Payments shall be made only from the date the Department of Veterans Affairs office of jurisdiction receives such application; however, if such request is received by the Department of Veterans Affairs office of jurisdiction within 10 days after the beginning of the care of such veteran for which he or she is determined to be eligible, payment shall be made on account of such veteran from the date care began. (Authority: 38 U.S.C. 1743) [35 FR 3167, Feb. 19, 1970, as amended at 45 FR 6940, Jan. 31, 1980. Redesignated at 61 FR 21966, May 13, 1996; 65 FR 968, Jan. 6, 2000]