Each certificate of award of a grant for planning or implementing an agreement for the exchange of information or information facilities shall specify that the grant is subject to the following terms and conditions:
(a) Grants subject to terms of agreement for exchange of information. Each grant shall be subject to, and the certificate shall incorporate by reference, all terms, conditions, and obligations specified in the agreement or planning protocols which the grant will implement, and
(b) Grants subject to assurances in application. Each grant shall be subject to all assurances made by the grantee in its application for the grant as required by Sec. Sec. 17.254 through 17.256, and
(c) Grants subject to limitations on use of funds. Each grant shall be subject to the limitations on the use of grant funds, either for direct or indirect costs, as prescribed in Sec. Sec. 17.259 through 17.261, and
(d) Grants subject to special provisions. Each grant shall be subject to any special terms or conditions which may be warranted by circumstances applicable to individual applications, and specified in the certificate of award. [33 FR 6012, Apr. 19, 1968. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 21966, 21969, May 13, 1996]