For the purpose of Sec. Sec. 17.61 through 17.72:
(a) The term community residential care means the monitoring, supervision, and assistance, in accordance with a statement of needed care, of the daily living activities of referred veterans in an approved home in the community by the facility's provider.
(b) The term daily living activities includes:
(1) Walking;
(2) Bathing, shaving, brushing teeth, combing hair;
(3) Dressing;
(4) Eating;
(5) Getting in or getting out of bed;
(6) Laundry;
(7) Cleaning room;
(8) Managing money;
(9) Shopping;
(10) Using public transportation;
(11) Writing letters;
(12) Making telephone calls;
(13) Obtaining appointments;
(14) Self-administration of medications;
(15) Recreational and leisure activities; and
(16) Other similar activities.
(c) The term paper hearing means a review of the written evidence of record by the hearing official.
(d) The term oral hearing means the in person testimony of representatives of a community residential care facility and of VA before the hearing official and the review of the written evidence of record by that official.
(e) The term approving official means the Director or, if designated by the Director, the Associate Director or Chief of Staff of a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center or Outpatient Clinic which has jurisdiction to approve a community residential care facility.
(f) The term hearing official means the Director or, if designated by the Director, the Associate Director or Chief of Staff of a Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center or Outpatient Clinic which has jurisdiction to approve a community residential care facility. (Authority: 38 U.S.C. 1730) [54 FR 20842, May 15, 1989. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 21965, 21966, May 13, 1996; 74 FR 63308, Dec. 3, 2009]