(a) Formulation of plan. Following an evaluation, the counseling psychologist will formulate an IWRP (individualized written rehabilitation plan) or an IEAP (individualized employment assistance plan) for each participating qualified veteran for whom achievement of a vocational goal is reasonably feasible. These plans shall be prepared in accordance with Sec. 21.84 (IWRP) or Sec. 21.88 (IEAP).
(b) Existing plan. If the veteran already has undertaken a rehabilitation program under Chapter 31, a new plan shall not be developed unless circumstances indicate that the existing plan should be modified or replaced. (Authority: 38 U.S.C. 1163(c); Pub. L. 100-687). [51 FR 19333, May 29, 1986. Redesignated at 53 FR 4397, Feb. 16, 1988, and amended at 55 FR 17272, Apr. 24, 1990] Sec. 21.6517 [Reserved]