(a) VA cannot award a capital grant for more than 65 percent of the total allowable costs of the project. The grantee must provide funding (``matching funding'') for the remaining 35 percent of the total cost, using non-federal funds. VA requires that applicants provide documentation of all costs related to the project including those that are not allowable under OMB Circular A-122 as codified at 2 CFR part 230. Allowable costs means those related to the portion (percentage) of the property that would be used to provide supportive housing and services under this part.
(b) Capital grants may include application costs, including site surveys, architectural, and engineering fees, but may not include relocation costs or developer's fees.
(c) Documentation of matching funds. The matching funds described in paragraph (a) of this section must be documented as follows; no other format will be accepted as evidence of a firm commitment of matching funds:
(1) Donations must be on the donor's letterhead, signed and dated.
(2) The applicant's own cash must be committed on the applicant's letterhead, signed, and dated.
(3) No conditions may be placed on the matching funds other than the organization's receipt of the capital grant.
(4) Funds must be committed to the same activity as the capital grant application (i.e., acquisition, renovation, new construction, or a van), and must not relate to operating costs or services.
(5) The value of matching funds must be for a cost that is included in the calculation of the total project cost, thereby decreasing the total expenditures of the grantee.
(d) Van applications. The requirements of this section also apply to applications for a capital grant for a van under Sec. 61.18. (Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501, 2011)