(a) End-to-End. (1) The service standard for Sectional Center Facility (SCF) turnaround Package Services mail accepted at the origin SCF before the day-zero Critical Entry Time is 2 days when the origin Processing & Distribution Center/Facility and the SCF are the same building, except for mail between the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and mail destined to American Samoa.
(1) The service standard for Sectional Center Facility (SCF) turnaround Package Services mail accepted at the origin SCF before the day-zero Critical Entry Time is 2 days when the origin Processing & Distribution Center/Facility and the SCF are the same building, except for mail between the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and mail destined to American Samoa.
(2) The service standard for intra-Network Distribution Center (NDC) Package Services mail accepted at origin before the day-zero Critical Entry Time is 3 days, for each remaining (non-intra-SCF) 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair within a Network Distribution Center service area, where the origin and destination is within the contiguous 48 states and is not served by an Auxiliary Service Facility; and for mail between the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and for mail destined to American Samoa.
(3) The service standard for intra-Network Distribution Center (NDC) Package Services mail accepted at origin before the day-zero Critical Entry Time is 4 days for each remaining 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair within a Network Distribution Center service area, where the destination delivery address is served by an Auxiliary Service Facility; the same standard applies to all remaining intra-Alaska mail and mail between the state of Hawaii and the territory of Guam, and mail destined to American Samoa.
(4) For each remaining 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair within the contiguous 48 states, the service standard for Package Services mail accepted at origin before the day-zero Critical Entry Time is between 5 and 8 days. For each such 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair, this is the sum of 4 days, plus the number of additional days (from 1 to 4) required for surface transportation between each 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair, plus an additional day if the destination delivery address is served by an Auxiliary Service Facility.
(5) For each remaining 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair for which either the origin or the destination is outside the contiguous 48 states, the service standard for Package Services mail accepted at origin before the day-zero Critical Entry Time is between 10 and 26 days. For each such 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair, this represents the sum of 3 to 4 days, plus the number of days (ranging from 7 to 22) required for intermodal (highway, boat, air-taxi) transportation between each 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair.
(6) The service standard for Inbound Surface Parcel Post[supreg] pieces (subject to Universal Postal Union rates) is the same as the service standard for domestic Package Services mail from the 3-digit ZIP Code area in which the International Network Distribution Center is located in the 3-digit ZIP Code in which the delivery address is located.
(b) Destination Entry. (1) Package Services mail that qualifies for a Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) rate, and that is accepted before the day-zero Critical Entry Time at the proper DDU, has a 1-day (overnight) service standard.
(1) Package Services mail that qualifies for a Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) rate, and that is accepted before the day-zero Critical Entry Time at the proper DDU, has a 1-day (overnight) service standard.
(2) Package Services mail that qualifies for a Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) rate, and that is accepted before the day-zero Critical Entry Time at the proper DSCF, has a 2-day service standard, except for mail dropped at the SCF in the territory of Puerto Rico and destined to the territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands, and mail destined to American Samoa.
(3) Package Services mail that qualifies for a Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) discount, is accepted before the day-zero Critical Entry Time at the SCF, and is destined to either American Samoa or the U.S. Virgin Islands, has a 3-day service standard.
(4) Package Services mail that qualifies for a Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC) rate, and is accepted before the day-zero Critical Entry Time at the proper DNDC or Destination Auxiliary Service Facility, and originates and destinates in the contiguous 48 states, has a 3-day service standard.
(5) Package Services mail that qualifies for a Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC) rate, and that is accepted before the day-zero Critical Entry Time at the proper DNDC in the contiguous 48 states for delivery to addresses in the states of Alaska or Hawaii, or the territories of Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands has a service standard of either 11 or 12 days, depending on the 3-digit ZIP Code origin-destination pair. For each such pair, the applicable day within the range is based on the number of days required for transportation outside the contiguous 48 states. [77 FR 31198, May 25, 2012]
Sec. Appendix A to Part 121--Tables Depicting Service Standard Day
The following tables reflect the service standard day ranges resulting from the application of the business rules applicable to the market-dominant mail products referenced in Sec. Sec. 121.1 through 121.4:
Table 1. Prior to January 5, 2015, end-to-end service standard day ranges for mail originating and destinating within the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia.
Contiguous United States------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mail class range (days)------------------------------------------------------------------------First-Class Mail........................................ 1-3Periodicals............................................. 2-9Standard Mail........................................... 3-10Package Services........................................ 2-8------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2. On and after January 5, 2015, end-to-end service standard day ranges for mail originating and destinating within the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia.
Contiguous United States------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mail class range (days)------------------------------------------------------------------------First-Class Mail........................................ 1-3Periodicals............................................. 3-9Standard Mail........................................... 3-10Package Services........................................ 2-8------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 3. Prior to January 5, 2015, end-to-end service standard day ranges for mail originating and/or destinating in non-contiguous states and territories.
Non-Contiguous States and Territories--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Intra state/territory To/from contiguous 48 To/from states of Alaska
----------------------------- states and Hawaii, and the
----------------------------- territories of Guam, Puerto
Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Mail class Hawaii, Islands
Guam & Puerto Hawaii, Puerto ----------------------------
Alaska American Rico & Alaska Guam, & Rico & Hawaii,
Samoa USVI American USVI Guam, & Puerto
Samoa Alaska American Rico &
Samoa USVI--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First-Class Mail................................................. 1-3 1-3 1-2 3-4 3-5 3-4 4-5 4-5 4-5Periodicals...................................................... 2-4 2-4 2-3 13-19 12-22 11-16 21-25 21-26 23-26Standard Mail.................................................... 3-5 3-5 3-4 14-20 13-23 12-17 23-26 23-27 24-27Package Services................................................. * 2-4 2-4 2-3 12-18 11-21 10-15 21-26 20-26 20-24--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Excluding bypass mail.
Table 4. On and after January 5, 2015, end-to-end service standard day ranges for mail originating and/or destinating in non-contiguous states and territories.
Non-Contiguous States and Territories--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Intra state/territory To/from contiguous 48 To/from states of Alaska
----------------------------- states and Hawaii, and the
----------------------------- territories of Guam, Puerto
Rico and the U.S. Virgin
Mail class Hawaii, Islands
Guam & Puerto Hawaii, Puerto ----------------------------
Alaska American Rico & Alaska Guam, & Rico & Hawaii,
Samoa USVI American USVI Guam, & Puerto
Samoa Alaska American Rico &
Samoa USVI--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First-Class Mail................................................. 1-3 1-3 1-2 3-4 3-5 3-4 4-5 4-5 4-5Periodicals...................................................... 3-4 3-4 3 13-19 12-22 11-16 21-25 21-26 23-26Standard Mail.................................................... 3-5 3-5 3-4 14-20 13-23 12-17 23-26 23-27 24-27Package Services................................................. * 2-4 2-4 2-3 12-18 11-21 10-15 21-26 20-26 20-24--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Excluding bypass mail.
Table 5. Destination-entry service standard day ranges for mail to the contiguous 48 states and the District of Columbia.
Table 5--Destination Entry Service Standard Day Ranges For Mail to the Contiguous 48 States and the District Of
Mail class Destination entry (at appropriate facility)
DDU (Days) SCF (Days) ADC (Days) NDC (Days)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Periodicals................................................. 1 1 1-2 2-3Standard Mail............................................... 2 3-4 ........... 5Package Services............................................ 1 2 ........... 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 6. Destination entry service standard day ranges for mail to non-contiguous states and territories.
Table 6--Destination Entry Service Standard Day Ranges for Mail to Non-Contiguous States and Territories.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Destination entry (at appropriate facility)
SCF (Days) ADC (Days) NDC (Days)
Mail class DDU Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii,
(Days) Guam, & Puerto Guam, & Puerto Guam, & Puerto
Alaska American Rico & Alaska American Rico & Alaska American Rico &
Samoa USVI Samoa USVI Samoa USVI--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Periodicals............................................ 1 1-3 1 1-3 1-4 (AK) 1 (HI) 1-4 10-11 10 8-10
11 (JNU) 2 (GU)
11 (KTN)
Standard Mail.......................................... 2 3-4 3-5 3-5 ......... ......... ....... 14 13 12Package Services....................................... 1 2 2-3 2-3 ......... ......... ....... 12 11 11--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AK = Alaska 3-digit ZIP Codes 995-997; JNU = Juneau AK 3-digit ZIP Code 998; KTN = Ketchikan AK 3-digitZIP Code 999; HI = Hawaii 3-digit ZIP Codes 967 and 968; GU = Guam 3-digit ZIP Code 969. [77 FR 31198, May 25, 2012, as amended at 79 FR 4080, Jan. 24, 2014; 79 FR 12393, Mar. 5, 2014; 79 FR 14401, Mar. 14, 2014; 79 FR 44701, Aug. 1, 2014]