(a) In the case of a request for notice of the existence of a record, the chief administrative officer shall respond within 10 days of receipt of a request and shall inform the individual whether a system of records maintained by the Commission contains such a record.
(b) In the case of a request for access to a record or for a copy of a record, the chief administrative officer shall acknowledge the request within 10 days and shall promptly thereafter--
(1) Fulfill the request by mail or arrange for an inspection by the requester in the Commission's offices; or
(2) If the request is denied, notify the requester of the denial, the reasons for the denial, the procedures for appealing the refusal, and the name and address of the Chairman of the Commission who will consider an appeal.
(c) In the case of a request for amendment, the chief administrative officer shall:
(1) Acknowledge the request in writing within 10 days;
(2) Promptly review the record; and
(3)(i) Make any requested amendment of a record found to be not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete; notify the requester of the change and provide a copy of the corrected record; and notify any previous recipient of the record (excluding Commission staff who obtained the record in the performance of their duties and recipients under the Freedom of Information Act) of any change; or
(i) Make any requested amendment of a record found to be not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete; notify the requester of the change and provide a copy of the corrected record; and notify any previous recipient of the record (excluding Commission staff who obtained the record in the performance of their duties and recipients under the Freedom of Information Act) of any change; or
(ii) Inform the requester of a refusal to amend the record, the reasons for the refusal, the procedures for appealing the refusal, and the name and address of the Chairman of the Commission who will consider an appeal.