Whenever the Postal Service proposes to establish or change rates, fees, or the Mail Classification Schedule based on a negotiated service agreement, the Postal Service shall file with the Commission a notice of agreement that shall include at a minimum the following information:
(a) A copy of the negotiated service agreement;
(b) The planned effective date(s) of the planned rates;
(c) A representation or evidence that public notice of the planned rate adjustments has been issued or will be issued at least 45 days before the effective date(s) for the planned rates;
(d) The identity of a responsible Postal Service official who will be available to provide prompt responses to requests for clarification from the Commission;
(e) A statement identifying all parties to the agreement and a description clearly explaining the operative components of the agreement;
(f) Details regarding the expected improvements in the net financial position or operations of the Postal Service. The projection of change in net financial position as a result of the agreement shall be based on accepted analytical principles. The projection of change in net financial position as a result of the agreement shall include for each year of the agreement:
(1) The estimated mailer-specific costs, volumes, and revenues of the Postal Service absent the implementation of the negotiated service agreement;
(2) The estimated mailer-specific costs, volumes, and revenues of the Postal Service which result from implementation of the negotiated service agreement;
(3) An analysis of the effects of the negotiated service agreement on the contribution to institutional costs from mailers not party to the agreement;
(4) If mailer-specific costs are not available, the source and derivation of the costs that are used shall be provided, together with a discussion of the currency and reliability of those costs and their suitability as a proxy for the mailer-specific costs; and
(5) If the Postal Service believes the Commission's accepted analytical principles are not the most accurate and reliable methodology available:
(i) An explanation of the basis for that belief; and
(ii) A projection of the change in net financial position resulting from the agreement made using the Postal Service's alternative methodology.
(g) An identification of each component of the agreement expected to enhance the performance of mail preparation, processing, transportation, or other functions in each year of the agreement, and a discussion of the nature and expected impact of each such enhancement;
(h) Details regarding any and all actions (performed or to be performed) to assure that the agreement will not result in unreasonable harm to the marketplace; and
(i) Such other information as the Postal Service believes will assist the Commission to issue a timely determination of whether the requested changes are consistent with applicable statutory policies. [78 FR 52704, Aug. 26, 2013, as amended by Order 1786, 78 FR 67952, Nov. 13, 2013]