Supporting justification shall:
(a) Provide an explanation for initiating the docket;
(b) Explain why, as to market dominant products, the change is not inconsistent with each requirement of 39 U.S.C. 3622(d), and that it advances the objectives of 39 U.S.C. 3622(b), taking into account the factors of 39 U.S.C. 3622(c);
(c) Explain why, as to competitive products, the addition, subtraction, or transfer will not result in the violation of any of the standards of 39 U.S.C. 3633;
(d) Verify that the change does not classify as competitive a product over which the Postal Service exercises sufficient market power that it can, without risk of losing a significant level of business to other firms offering similar products:
(1) Set the price of such product substantially above costs;
(2) Raise prices significantly;
(3) Decrease quality; or
(4) Decrease output.
(e) Explain whether or not each product that is the subject of the request is covered by the postal monopoly as reserved to the Postal Service under 18 U.S.C. 1696 subject to the exceptions set forth in 39 U.S.C. 601;
(f) Provide a description of the availability and nature of enterprises in the private sector engaged in the delivery of the product;
(g) Provide any information available on the views of those who use the product involved on the appropriateness of the proposed modification;
(h) Provide a description of the likely impact of the proposed modification on small business concerns; and
(i) Include such information and data, and such statements of reasons and bases, as are necessary and appropriate to fully inform the Postal Service and users of the mail of the nature, scope, significance, and impact of the proposed modification.