(a) The reports in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section shall be provided at the times indicated.
(b) A master list of publications and handbooks, including those related to internal information procedures, data collection forms, and corresponding training handbooks by July 1, 2009, and again when changed;
(c) The items listed in paragraph (b) of this section in hard copy form, and in electronic form, if available;
(d) Household Diary Study (when completed);
(e) Input data and calculations used to produce the annual Total Factor Productivity estimates (by March 1 of each year);
(f) Succinct narrative explanations of how the estimates in the most recent Annual Compliance Determination were calculated and the reasons that particular analytical principles were followed. The narrative explanations shall be comparable in detail to that which had been provided in Library Reference 1 in omnibus rate cases processed under the Postal Reorganization Act (by July 1 of each year); and
(g) An update of the history of changes in postal volumes, revenues, rates, and fees that appears in library references USPS-LR-L-73 through 76 in Docket No. R2006-1 (by July 1 of each year).