(a) If you sell an engine for someone else to install in a vehicle, give the engine installer instructions for installing it consistent with the requirements of this part. Include all information necessary to ensure that an engine will be installed in its certified configuration.
(b) Make sure these instructions have the following information:
(1) Include the heading: ``Emission-related installation instructions''.
(2) State: ``Failing to follow these instructions when installing a certified engine in a heavy-duty motor vehicle violates federal law, subject to fines or other penalties as described in the Clean Air Act.''
(3) Provide all instructions needed to properly install the exhaust system and any other components.
(4) Describe any necessary steps for installing any diagnostic system required under 40 CFR part 86.
(5) Describe how your certification is limited for any type of application. For example, if you certify heavy heavy-duty engines to the CO2 standards using only steady-state testing, you must make clear that the engine may be installed only in tractors.
(6) Describe any other instructions to make sure the installed engine will operate according to design specifications in your application for certification. This may include, for example, instructions for installing aftertreatment devices when installing the engines.
(7) State: ``If you install the engine in a way that makes the engine's emission control information label hard to read during normal engine maintenance, you must place a duplicate label on the vehicle, as described in 40 CFR 1068.105.''
(c) You do not need installation instructions for engines that you install in your own vehicles.
(d) Provide instructions in writing or in an equivalent format. For example, you may post instructions on a publicly available Web site for downloading or printing. If you do not provide the instructions in writing, explain in your application for certification how you will ensure that each installer is informed of the installation requirements.