This section specifies the information that must be in your application, unless we ask you to include less information under Sec. 1037.201(c). We may require you to provide additional information to evaluate your application. Note that references to testing and emission-data vehicles refer to testing vehicles to measure aerodynamic drag, assess hybrid vehicle performance, and/or measure evaporative emissions.
(a) Describe the vehicle family's specifications and other basic parameters of the vehicle's design and emission controls. List the fuel type on which your vehicles are designed to operate (for example, ultra low-sulfur diesel fuel).
(b) Explain how the emission control system operates. As applicable, describe in detail all system components for controlling greenhouse gas and evaporative emissions, including all auxiliary emission control devices (AECDs) and all fuel-system components you will install on any production vehicle. Identify the part number of each component you describe. For this paragraph (b), treat as separate AECDs any devices that modulate or activate differently from each other.
(c) For vehicles subject to air conditioning standards, include:
(1) The refrigerant leakage rates (leak scores).
(2) The refrigerant capacity of the air conditioning systems.
(3) The corporate name of the final installer of the air conditioning system.
(d) Describe any vehicles you selected for testing and the reasons for selecting them.
(e) Describe any test equipment and procedures that you used, including any special or alternate test procedures you used (see Sec. 1037.501).
(f) Describe how you operated any emission-data vehicle before testing, including the duty cycle and the number of vehicle operating miles used to stabilize emission levels. Explain why you selected the method of service accumulation. Describe any scheduled maintenance you did.
(g) List the specifications of any test fuel to show that it falls within the required ranges we specify in 40 CFR part 1065.
(h) Identify the vehicle family's useful life.
(i) Include the maintenance instructions and warranty statement you will give to the ultimate purchaser of each new vehicle (see Sec. Sec. 1037.120 and 1037.125).
(j) Describe your emission control information label (see Sec. 1037.135).
(k) Identify the emission standards or FELs to which you are certifying vehicles in the vehicle family. For families containing multiple subfamilies, this means that you must identify multiple CO2 FELs. For example, you may identify the highest and lowest FELs to which any of your subfamilies will be certified and also list all possible FELs in between (which will be in 1 g/ton-mile increments).
(l) Where applicable, identify the vehicle family's deterioration factors and describe how you developed them. Present any emission test data you used for this (see Sec. 1037.241(c)).
(m) Where applicable, state that you operated your emission-data vehicles as described in the application (including the test procedures, test parameters, and test fuels) to show you meet the requirements of this part.
(n) Present evaporative test data to show your vehicles meet the evaporative emission standards we specify in subpart B of this part, if applicable. Report all valid test results from emission-data vehicles and indicate whether there are test results from invalid tests or from any other tests of the emission-data vehicle, whether or not they were conducted according to the test procedures of subpart F of this part. We may require you to report these additional test results. We may ask you to send other information to confirm that your tests were valid under the requirements of this part and 40 CFR part 86.
(o) Report modeling results for ten configurations. Include modeling inputs and detailed descriptions of how they were derived. Unless we specify otherwise, include the configuration with the highest modeling result, the lowest modeling result, and the configurations with the highest projected sales.
(p) Describe all adjustable operating parameters (see Sec. 1037.115), including production tolerances. You do not need to include parameters that do not affect emissions covered by your application. Include the following in your description of each parameter:
(1) The nominal or recommended setting.
(2) The intended physically adjustable range.
(3) The limits or stops used to establish adjustable ranges.
(4) Information showing why the limits, stops, or other means of inhibiting adjustment are effective in preventing adjustment of parameters on in-use vehicles to settings outside your intended physically adjustable ranges.
(q) [Reserved]
(r) Unconditionally certify that all the vehicles in the vehicle family comply with the requirements of this part, other referenced parts of the CFR, and the Clean Air Act.
(s) Include good-faith estimates of U.S.-directed production volumes by subfamily. We may require you to describe the basis of your estimates.
(t) Include the information required by other subparts of this part. For example, include the information required by Sec. 1037.725 if you participate in the ABT program.
(u) Include other applicable information, such as information specified in this part or 40 CFR part 1068 related to requests for exemptions.
(v) Name an agent for service located in the United States. Service on this agent constitutes service on you or any of your officers or employees for any action by EPA or otherwise by the United States related to the requirements of this part.