Your test system must be able to update data, record data and control systems related to operator demand, the dynamometer, sampling equipment, and measurement instruments. Use data acquisition and control systems that can record at the specified minimum frequencies, as follows:
Table 1 of Sec. 1065.202--Data Recording and Control Minimum Frequencies----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minimum command and
Applicable test protocol section Measured values control frequency Minimum recording frequency
\a\ \b\ \c\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 1065.510.................. Speed and torque during 1 Hz................ 1 mean value per step.
an engine step-map.Sec. 1065.510.................. Speed and torque during 5 Hz................ 1 Hz means.
an engine sweep-map.Sec. 1065.514; Sec. 1065.530. Transient duty cycle 5 Hz................ 1 Hz means.
reference and feedback
speeds and torques.Sec. 1065.514; Sec. 1065.530. Steady-state and ramped- 1 Hz................ 1 Hz.
modal duty cycle
reference and feedback
speeds and torques.Sec. 1065.520; Sec. 1065.530; Continuous .................... 1 Hz.
Sec. 1065.550. concentrations of raw
or dilute analyzers.Sec. 1065.520; Sec. 1065.530 Batch concentrations of .................... 1 mean value per test
Sec. 1065.550. raw or dilute analyzers. interval.Sec. 1065.530; Sec. 1065.545. Diluted exhaust flow .................... 1 Hz.
rate from a CVS with a
heat exchanger upstream
of the flow measurement.Sec. 1065.530; Sec. 1065.545. Diluted exhaust flow 5 Hz................ 1 Hz means.
rate from a CVS without
a heat exchanger
upstream of the flow
measurement.Sec. 1065.530; Sec. 1065.545. Intake-air or raw- .................... 1 Hz means.
exhaust flow rate.
Sec. 1065.530; Sec. 1065.545. Dilution air flow if 5 Hz................ 1 Hz means.
actively controlled
(for example, a partial-
flow PM sampling
system) \d\.Sec. 1065.530; Sec. 1065.545. Sample flow from a CVS 1 Hz................ 1 Hz.
that has a heat
exchanger.Sec. 1065.530; Sec. 1065.545. Sample flow from a CVS 5 Hz................ 1 Hz means.
that does not have a
heat exchanger.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\a\ The specifications for minimum command and control frequency do not apply for CFVs that are not using active
control.\b\ 1 Hz means are data reported from the instrument at a higher frequency, but recorded as a series of 1 s mean
values at a rate of 1 Hz.\c\ For CFVs in a CVS, the minimum recording frequency is 1 Hz. The minimum recording frequency does not apply
for CFVs used to control sampling from a CVS utilizing CFVs.\d\ Dilution air flow specifications do not apply for CVS dilution air. [79 FR 23759, Apr. 28, 2014]