The following table summarizes the required and recommended calibrations and verifications described in this subpart and indicates when these have to be performed:
Table 1 of Sec. 1065.303--Summary of Required Calibration and
Type of calibration or verification Minimum frequency \1\------------------------------------------------------------------------Sec. 1065.305: Accuracy, Accuracy: Not required, but
repeatability and noise. recommended for initial
Repeatability: Not required,
but recommended for initial
Noise: Not required, but
recommended for initial
Sec. 1065.307: Linearity verification Speed: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing and after major
Torque: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing and after major
Electrical power, current, and
voltage: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing and after major
Fuel flow rate: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing, and after
major maintenance.
Intake-air, dilution air,
diluted exhaust, and batch
sampler flow rates: Upon
initial installation, within
370 days before testing and
after major maintenance,
unless flow is verified by
propane check or by carbon or
oxygen balance.
Raw exhaust flow rate: Upon
initial installation, within
185 days before testing and
after major maintenance,
unless flow is verified by
propane check or by carbon or
oxygen balance.
Gas dividers: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing, and after
major maintenance.
Gas analyzers (unless otherwise
noted): Upon initial
installation, within 35 days
before testing and after major
FTIR and photoacoustic
analyzers: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing and after major
GC-ECD: Upon initial
installation and after major
PM balance: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing and after major
Pressure, temperature, and
dewpoint: Upon initial
installation, within 370 days
before testing and after major
maintenance.Sec. 1065.308: Continuous gas Upon initial installation or
analyzer system response and updating- after system modification that
recording verification--for gas would affect response.
analyzers not continuously compensated
for other gas species.Sec. 1065.309: Continuous gas Upon initial installation or
analyzer system-response and updating- after system modification that
recording verification--for gas would affect response.
analyzers continuously compensated for
other gas species.Sec. 1065.310: Torque................ Upon initial installation and
after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.315: Pressure, temperature, Upon initial installation and
dewpoint. after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.320: Fuel flow............. Upon initial installation and
after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.325: Intake flow........... Upon initial installation and
after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.330: Exhaust flow.......... Upon initial installation and
after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.340: Diluted exhaust flow Upon initial installation and
(CVS). after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.341: CVS and batch sampler Upon initial installation,
verification \3\. within 35 days before testing,
and after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.342 Sample dryer For thermal chillers: upon
verification. installation and after major
For osmotic membranes; upon
installation, within 35 days
of testing, and after major
maintenance.Sec. 1065.345: Vacuum leak........... For laboratory testing: upon
initial installation of the
sampling system, within 8
hours before the start of the
first test interval of each
duty-cycle sequence, and after
maintenance such as pre-filter
For field testing: after each
installation of the sampling
system on the vehicle, prior
to the start of the field
test, and after maintenance
such as pre-filter changes.Sec. 1065.350: CO2 NDIR H2O Upon initial installation and
interference. after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.355: CO NDIR CO2 and H2O Upon initial installation and
interference. after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.360: FID calibration....... Calibrate all FID analyzers:THC FID optimization, and THC FID upon initial installation and
verification. after major maintenance.
Optimize and determine CH4
response for THC FID
upon initial installation and
after major maintenance.
Verify CH4 response for THC FID
analyzers: upon initial
installation, within 185 days
before testing, and after
major maintenance.Sec. 1065.362: Raw exhaust FID O2 For all FID analyzers: upon
interference. initial installation, and
after major maintenance.
For THC FID analyzers: upon
initial installation, after
major maintenance, and after
FID optimization according to
Sec. 1065.360.Sec. 1065.365: Nonmethane cutter Upon initial installation,
penetration. within 185 days before
testing, and after major
maintenance.Sec. 1065.369: H2O, CO, and CO2 Upon initial installation and
interference verification for ethanol after major maintenance.
photoacoustic analyzers.Sec. 1065.370: CLD CO2 and H2O quench Upon initial installation and
after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.372: NDUV HC and H2O Upon initial installation and
interference. after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.375: N2O analyzer Upon initial installation and
interference. after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.376: Chiller NO2 Upon initial installation and
penetration. after major maintenance.
Sec. 1065.378: NO2-to-NO converter Upon initial installation,
conversion. within 35 days before testing,
and after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.390: PM balance and Independent verification: upon
weighing. initial installation, within
370 days before testing, and
after major maintenance.
Zero, span, and reference
sample verifications: within
12 hours of weighing, and
after major maintenance.Sec. 1065.395: Inertial PM balance Independent verification: upon
and weighing. initial installation, within
370 days before testing, and
after major maintenance.
Other verifications: upon
initial installation and after
major maintenance.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Perform calibrations and verifications more frequently than we
specify, according to measurement system manufacturer instructions and
good engineering judgment.\2\ Perform linearity verification either for electrical power or for
current and voltage.\3\ The CVS verification described in Sec. 1065.341 is not required
for systems that agree within 2% based on a
chemical balance of carbon or oxygen of the intake air, fuel, and
diluted exhaust. [79 FR 23762, Apr. 28, 2014]