(a) Under CWA section 401(a)(1), EPA may not issue a permit until a certification is granted or waived in accordance with that section by the State in which the discharge originates or will originate.
(b) Applications received without a State certification shall be forwarded by the Regional Administrator to the certifying State agency with a request that certification be granted or denied.
(c) If State certification has not been received by the time the draft permit is prepared, the Regional Administrator shall send the certifying State agency:
(1) A copy of a draft permit;
(2) A statement that EPA cannot issue or deny the permit until the certifying State agency has granted or denied certification under Sec. 124.55, or waived its right to certify; and
(3) A statement that the State will be deemed to have waived its right to certify unless that right is exercised within a specified reasonable time not to exceed 60 days from the date the draft permit is mailed to the certifying State agency unless the Regional Administrator finds that unusual circumstances require a longer time.
(d) State certification shall be granted or denied within the reasonable time specified under paragraph (c)(3) of this section. The State shall send a notice of its action, including a copy of any certification, to the applicant and the Regional Administrator.
(e) State certification shall be in writing and shall include:
(1) Conditions which are necessary to assure compliance with the applicable provisions of CWA sections 208(e), 301, 302, 303, 306, and 307 and with appropriate requirements of State law;
(2) When the State certifies a draft permit instead of a permit application, any conditions more stringent than those in the draft permit which the State finds necessary to meet the requirements listed in paragraph (e)(1) of this section. For each more stringent condition, the certifying State agency shall cite the CWA or State law references upon which that condition is based. Failure to provide such a citation waives the right to certify with respect to that condition; and
(3) A statement of the extent to which each condition of the draft permit can be made less stringent without violating the requirements of State law, including water quality standards. Failure to provide this statement for any condition waives the right to certify or object to any less stringent condition which may be established during the EPA permit issuance process.