(a) Designation. Areawide planning agencies may be designated by the Governor in accordance with section 208(a) (2) and (3) of the Act or may self-designate in accordance with section 208(a)(4) of the Act. Such designations shall subject to EPA approval in accordance with section 208(a)(7) of the Act.
(b) De-designation. The Governor may modify or withdraw the planning designation of a designated planning agency other than an Indian tribal organization self-designated Sec. 130.6(c)(2) if:
(1) The areawide agency requests such cancellation; or
(2) The areawide agency fails to meet its planning requirements as specified in grant agreements, contracts or memoranda of understanding; or
(3) The areawide agency no longer has the resources or the commitment to continue water quality planning activities within the designated boundaries.
(c) Impact of de-designation. Once an areawide planning agency's designation has been withdrawn the State agency shall assume direct responsibility for continued water quality planning and oversight of implementation within the area.
(d) Designated management agencies (DMA). In accordance with section 208(c)(1) of the Act, management agencies shall be designated by the Governor in consultation with the designated planning agency. EPA shall approve such designations unless the DMA lacks the legal, financial and managerial authority required under section 208(c)(2) of the Act. Designated management agencies shall carry out responsibilities specified in Water Quality Management (WQM) plans. Areawide planning agencies shall monitor DMA activities in their area and recommend necessary plan changes during the WQM plan update. Where there is no designated areawide planning agency, States shall monitor DMA activities and make any necessary changes during the WQM plan update.